Monthly Archives: September 2019

Listening for detail – distractors and indicators jigsaw activity

To practise noticing distractors and the words that indicate the right answer. This can be done instead of a listening comprehension or before it. I did this with my IGCSE E2L class. We focused on Q1-4 (the short answer questions) with 4 groups. You could create the same activity for any class as long as […]

Noticing, analysing and applying features of persuasive writing

The IGCSE in E2L requires students to be able to write articles and formal letters using persuasive language.  To get the top marks for a piece of writing at GCSE, students need to use “a consistently appropriate style” with an “excellent sense of purpose and audience.” Many of my students haven’t studied persuasive language in […]

Modelling teacher-student communications

I often think that our students must so overwhelmed when they first start at school here. Not only is the language a different one, but the whole culture of the school is likely to be quite different from what they know. They are thrown into an entirely new environment, with new rules and expectations, far […]

UCAS Personal statement writing resources

In the autumn term, I offer Y13s help with writing their personal statements in an after-school session. It can be hard to sell yourself in your own language, let alone a second, so I put together this list of useful sites that students can use to find a suitable alternative to knowledge or an appropriate […]

Am I a subject teacher or a support teacher?

The role of an EAL teacher in independent schools can be confusing for both the teacher themselves and their colleagues throughout the school. Although it seems obvious now, it took me quite a while to figure out that actually my fellow EAL teachers and I have 3 distinct roles. a support teacher, helping those learning […]